As usual, your posts arrive exactly at the moment when I most need them. Sometimes I don't realize I needed them until I read them, but this time your words reached deep from the first sentence. We all know the hurt of wanting. I too love, Alice on Sunday and can't imagine better but it could be simply because I have been conditioned to love this newsletter, whatever the title, from the beginning, because I love Alice and know it will be good. Also, the whole Sunday thing is a nice bonus; I look for them then. Finally, as soon as you go paid, I am making a pledge/subscribing on the closest bi-monthly paydate. Yes, embarassing to admit we run close to the vest here, but we do.

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I love this. The peaks and valleys of a stock market graph — that’s a good way to see it. Glad to know I am not alone in feeling the ups and downs! And wallowing for a day or two helps, doesn’t it? (And then, as you say, it gets boring). Congratulations on the promotion. Hope you have found a good way to celebrate!

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Wonderful post. Thank you for sharing this month of ups and downs. The narrative of the upward trajectory for writers seems only rarely true, and it's good to be reminded about this. And also about failing better, and continuing to learn. And congratulations on full professor!!!

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Hi Alice,

Another wonderful post! I loved the idea of a fresh disappointment pulling taut the string between past and present.

Congratulations on your promotion to full professor. That is a huge win for adjuncts everywhere, many of whom are women.

Good that you are rethinking the name of your Substack. Does your full name have as much awareness as I'm hypothesizing it does? In that case, the new name should include your full name. Something like "Alice Elliot Dark on xyz." My humble two cents.



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Thank you so much. First congratulations you have worked so long and hard. So huge.

Sometime is hard to remember to put it in all in perspective. I have a dear friend who was kicked out of a surgical residency. That is it. Out of doctor work after so many years. He had ADHD which isn’t the best for a surgeon. However, after wallowing a bit and grieving he went to business school. Then he started inventing major medical devices. He is totally brilliant and is banned from certain rental car companies because he returned cars curbside at airports. Absent minded. His last invention sold for many billions before he even put it on the market. He doesn’t care about the money he simply loves what he does. Mid seventies and he is still creating his inventions. He has saved more lives than he ever could as a surgeon. We never know exactly what will happen.

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This was so good, so useful and heartening. (Is heartening always useful? Probably.) Congratulations on the promotion—one Breadloaf workshop confirms your teaching genius—and thank you for sharing your wisdom about the disappointment.

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Beginner's mind. That's the conclusion I came to this week after being turned down for an opportunity I really wanted. Like you, I wallowed for a few days, said I'd never write again, and eventually decided to start fresh. New day, new page. And the wonder of a beginner's mind. Thank you for the reminder!

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I truly understand what you are writing about here. In my own life it has been so. Polly would have loved this. Did you know when she was in her 70's she decided she wanted to study the Supreme Court and asked Peter to help her? Always learning. The only way to keep growing. Love you and your journey.

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I love your title and your stack.

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Not a straight line, indeed!

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I can’t read about the promotion to full professor part without offering many congratulations. I know what a huge deal that is. Congratulations! 🎊🎉

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Oh yes! You are channeling full on wisdom here! Love everything you said. Quote of the day: “I have learned how to fail better.” Congratulations of the day: Hooray for you, Full Professor!

Good luck to the team on all those decisions. Of course I’d continue to read this if you called it Total Dirt and it came out twice a day during the waning gibbous moon

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This was so wonderfully, terribly relatable. Thank you so much for sharing. I see this belief a lot in my students and in myself. I think there's always this sense of "making it" one day and not having to struggle anymore, but that struggle seems to be an integral part of the process. Keep up the great work...

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And I may be in the minority, but I love the title Alice on Sunday

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“Curiosity above all.” “Stay in.” Five words to build a life on 👏

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So sorry about the disappointment but I am thrilled about the promotion. Way too long in coming, but I am so glad you are finally getting your due. The best teacher ever deserves it all. 💕

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